Thursday, January 29, 2009

Moving during Ice Storm!

We had the worst timing with this move. An ice storm came in the evening before the packers came. Then we had sleet/freezing rain the whole day. Well, overnight it changed over to snow. So, when the actual movers got here yesterday morning the guy was going to try to clear off the sidewalk till I explained that it was too deep and that you can only see the top of the last step coming off the porch--he decided to leave it the way it was so they ended up walking through sleet/snow to move everything. I just can't believe the timing. Caitlin did soo well not being to run around for two days straight (daycare closed due to weather). Now she is just getting onry. She keeps saying "bye bye" and going to the door. Poor girl, just doesn't understand. Mom and BJ are coming up tonight to get showers and get warm. They still have no power and by ameren's website it will be a while since over 1500 in sikeston are out. Colleen and family are in a house with gas heat and a gas stove their landlord owns and gave them the key to so they could stay warm. I cleaned the car off (half an hour) and then couldn't get it out of the driveway. Very frustrating. Hopefully all this stuff will melt soon!!!!