Friday, February 29, 2008

Her first cold!

Well, Caitlin has her first cold. It started with occasional coughing but over a couple of days it got worse so in we went to the pediatricians. The pediatrician said it was just from congestion/draining and that she didn't need any meds. Well, two days later I have strep throat and her cough is worse!!! I am now on antibiotics and she has cough medicine which seems to be helping, her coughing doesn't sound as bad now. It does make her sleepy though but atleast that will give her body a chance to work on getting rid of the cold. She has been in pretty good spirits throughout with the occasional fussiness. Hopefully we are both on the down hill of being sick and will be better soon!!!

Oh, and in two weeks Caitlin has her 4 month appointment and the pediatrician will tell us what foods to start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soo excited but I feel she is still soo little! I know she is ready, she is a good eater and I am sure she will enjoy new tastes!!!

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